On June 30, 2005, Nathan Kleinman began a hunger strike to raise awareness of the ongoing genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan. Since February 2003, at least 400,000 people have died due to violence, starvation and disease. More than 2.5 million people have been displaced from their towns and villages and now live in camps lacking adequate food, water, shelter, sanitation, and health care. It is LONG PAST time for the international community to take action.

Hunger Strike for Darfur

On June 30, 2005, Nathan Kleinman began a hunger strike to raise awareness of the ongoing genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan. Since February 2003, at least 400,000 people have died due to violence, starvation and disease. More than 2.5 million people have been displaced from their towns and villages and now live in camps lacking adequate food, water, shelter, sanitation, and health care. It is LONG PAST time for the international community to take action.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Jay's Day 5

I spoke with Jay today, and he is still going strong on his 5th day of fasting. It has been hot and muggy in Washington, and Jay has been spending much more time outdoors than I was able to. I am in awe of his dedication and the forcefulness of his spirit. He is talking to people every day, and no doubt changing many minds along the way.

I have received a few emails from people possibly interested in joining the fast, but so far no one has definitely volunteered to replace Jay, and even if someone does soon, we could ALWAYS use more. We hope to have someone fasting until this genocide is front page news again, and, indeed, until this genocide is over. If you have any interest or willingness in fasting to end a genocide, please contact me at nathankleinman@gmail.com. You don't necessarily need to travel to DC; you could go on a hunger strike wherever you are, in any city, in any country. The entire world is failing to act, and this movement has the potential to bring awareness and action to anywhere in the world.


At 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Nate,

What's going on?

You haven't posted in a while.....

At 5:58 AM, Blogger sleepless in sudan said...

Hi Nate and Jay,

Just thought you might be interested in seeing this:

Darfur detainees stage hunger strike

Hope you're both well,

At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

An interesting op-ed article in today's NY Times about the lack of media coverage of the genocide in Darfur...


At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I was emailed the link to this blog through a mutual friend when Nate began his hunger strike. As a seasoned activist for social justice I understand the importance of raising awareness and rallying around an issue. Nate's passionate stance on the issue is not something that is witnessed daily - far too often apathy is the common reaction. So I emailed the link out to my contacts but there was one issue that was negelected to be raised from the beginning that concerned me.

I am not negating the fact that Nate's actions are admirable. A hunger strike takes a physical and mental toll, and I admire your perserverance as well as your passion.

However, it saddened me to notice that throughout the entire blog there is not the acknowledgement that it is a class privilige to be able to commence such a feat.

Congratulations and I hope that you continue with your efforts.




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